Katherine Evans

Written 21st June, Summer Solstice. 2018

Hi my name is Katherine Louise Evans.  I reside in the West Higlands of Scotland UK, with my life partner ‘Zed’ for nearly 20 years, not forgetting ‘Golden Paws’ the cat.  This is an informal sharing that is organic in nature…  going with a flow of expression…To explain what I do is well impossible, here are a few things ‘about’ me.. Thank You if you care to continue to read.

The Leveler.

In 1992 I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis..  The nemisis, the enemy that I need to Love, stepped forth…  This for me is not a game.. Or just something to do..  Even though I am not quite sure what it is I am doing.. I care to come from grace and integrity and respect for these big energies I am presenting… I’m not selling anything as I see, although it would be perfect too, to be behind a Sovereign Self Enterprise. I use tools, some I am prepared to speak about others seemingly not right now…  I do see that which invented the problem, cannot fix the problem… So I have been discovering tools that work for me… I am not here to teach, or be some sort of modern day guru.. I see we have all we need and it’s about Self Discovery.  Not another telling us what we need.

All for One, One For All, Do It For Self, Do it For All.

Heal Thyself… It’s a really true thing for me…  I have been focused on me.. It’s all about me.. Every time I go outside of myself? I end up back here.. with me… I didn’t go anywhere.  I have to ‘Mother me’ I have to ‘take care of me,’ in ways nobody can give me, I see that for everyone, these are huge things I am saying.. Not just a half hearted, tipy toe, but getting stuck in, facing the denials and fears..  With Love and Light and Truth.. Yet it’s in my experience to do, not persay to sell it to you… Either participate, be with what is happening in my life..or not… In this journey, often I want to give to another..  but I see need to give to me first.  If I do that, I see that in turn gives to another in someway. I am right where I need to be…

I also consciously give myself healing, I care to deal with healing energies..

Moving with the light of intuition, I see that Inspiration, synchronicity, when that amazing flowing love energy has space to be…  takes you to the next thing..without thinking…


Healing Modalities

I use a little everyday in someway in my life… Each day I take time around an hour or two.. For meditation, Prayer, Healing, Exercising, Breathing…. The tools I use have become a way of life, backdrops my life…



Quantum Touch – Richard Gordon.

I  have not certificated it’s very expensive… but I enjoy ‘Quantum Touch Techniques’ I use it in my life,  I have a book and have watched videos, and took a wee instruction online..  It something one can do anywhere any time…


I use Reiki techniques, since being attuned in 1994 with Simon Tresleyan.  It has been a foundation for me. Developed overtime… I attuned to Mastership June 2018, with Dona Bilangi.  I am open it will lead to new things..  I have a Healing session with myself each day.. I hands on and run energy…   Sometimes afterwards it will lead to a spontaneous meditation…. We are so busy often thinking about ‘healing others’ When I see it all begins with me.

Energy Medicine – Dona Eden.

Each day I trace my meridians.. (There is only one, it splits 14 times) I do specific exercises to assist with energy, release and vitality as instructed in books and videos..    I am not trained to teach, but what I do, works for me … : ))

These are the go to ‘Healing Energy Tools’


Professional surfer Marco Polo at Waimea, Oahu, Hawaii


Wake Up Call….

I see it starts with choices… We can be blind and not see… Then we wake up..

Either there is 100 percent Responsibility – Or Not

This wake up call?  The one I am refering to.. As I see they don’t ever stop.. I call a conscious shock, like for me, being labelled with a disease and all that means..  These are just words and memory .. They are not the actual experience, a pointing to……

This conscious shock…Breaking through the stream of memory, the thinking, beliefs, the resentments and poor me…Blowing wide a space where these things can be seen. A Self Seeing Self is born… ….Where there is nothing else to do, but make right….  A course correction is made, without a choice to be seen.. It happens automatically.  So we either go with or stand in the way of the flow… I see its about getting out ones own way… Leave space for Grace…  A perfection that carries the majesty that Inspires life and reality. Or one of memory misery and belief.. It’s in the moment.. I see it starts with choice.

I choose Love, Light and Transformation..  The rest falls into place… I see what the ‘other life’ is like on the otherside.. Misery and Pain playing out in past memories..  That carries with it disharmony and disease..  These memories are Masking the fact that I am already Whole Perfect and Complete.

So in in see that… I can say.. we actually ARE what we seek.

Self Discover your way through!
